Zeiss Axio Scan.Z1
CAMiLoD offers fully serviced and automated digitization of whole slide preparations (click here to access our histology service). Just leave your stained slides with our facility staff for scanning of histology, immunohistochemistry, immunocytochemistry, and immunofluorescence preparations. For brightfield scans (histology), the Axio Scan.Z1 system is equipped with a dedicated 3-chip color camera (Hitachi HV-F203). For fluorescence scans, the slide scanner features a multi-wavelength LED system (Colibri 7) multi-band filters, two single-band filters (GFP, Cy3), and a monochrome sCMOS camera (Hamamatsu Flash 4.0 V3). The system virtually eliminates undue exposure and photo-toxicity in precious fluorescence samples and delivers up to seven fluorescence channels in addition to LED brightfield illumination.
Please contact CAMiLoD for a free consultation to discuss sample preparation, imaging requirements, and timelines.
Users will be asked to complete a sample requisition form and provide details on stains used and imaging parameters. Turnaround time is typically less than one week, depending on the outstanding workload.
Users will be given temporary storage space on the dedicated CAMiLoD server to remotely download their scanned files. ZEN lite is available for free download and allows image viewing, file conversion, and simple manipulations from your own PC. Powerful image analysis workstation, King Arthur, can be booked through CAMiLoD to process your datasets, following this link: Booking | CAMiLoD | Ontario.
Technical specifications:
Transmitted light source: LED
Fluorescence light source: Colibri.7 with following wavelengths for excitation of fluorophores,
Red (630nm) for excitation of Cy5, Alexa 631, TOTO-3
Yellow (590nm) for excitation of mCherry, Alex 568, mPlum
Green (555nm) for excitation of Cy3, TRITC, DsRed
Cyan (511nm) for excitation of eYFP, Eosin, TOTO-1
Blue (475nm) for excitation of eGFP, Fluo4, FITC
Violet (430nm) for excitation of eCFP, Lucifer Yellow, Alexa 430
UV (385nm) for excitation of DAPI, Alexa 405, Hoechst 33258
Fluar 5x/0.25 WD=12.5 M27
Plan-Apochromat 10x/0.45 WD=2.0 M27
Plan-Apochromat 20x/0.8 WD=0.55 M27
Plan-Apochromat 40x/0.95 Corr WD=0.25 M27
Hamamatsu Orca Flash 4.0 V3 (sCMOS) - monochrome
Hitachi HV-F203 f/ Axio Scan (3 CCD) - color
Filter Cubes: DAPI, CFP, GFP, YFP, Cy3, mCherry and Cy5.
Software: Zen 3.1 (Blue edition), Zen browser
Accepted slide size: standard, 1”x3”