How to book a session
Log on:
Go to and login with your first name and default password (first name + first letter of the last name, no spaces, lower case; for example, Joe Smith = joes).
Go to the Schedule tab select Bookings
From the drop-down menu, select the calendar at the top of the calendar page:
- CAMiLoD: for all resources related to microscopy imaging.
- Histology: for all resources related to the Histology lab.
- Mechanical testing: for all resources related to mechanical testing.
- You will only have viewing/booking access to the equipment that you are authorized to use.
- If you have been authorized to use other lab equipment (e.g. Cell culture, Ganss lab, Flowcytometry, etc.), please select the corresponding calendar from the dropdown menu.
Account security:
Reset password after initial log on by going to the "My Account" tab and by selecting "Change Password".
Contact administrator at to resolve any log-in issues.
For all enquiries related to booking, contact the administrator at or click on the 'Booking assistance' button.