UTogether: CAMiLoD updates
Home to researchers of all stripes. A shared core facility in Toronto, where innovation and excellence are exercised in conducting scientific research.
CAMiLoD was established in 2019 with generous contributions from the principal investigators at the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto. These were made possible by several infrastructure funding from CFI/ORF, as well as operating grants, such as CIHR. Continued support from such funding sources as well as industry partners, allow the facility to equip some of the most advanced and state-of-the-art microscopy, mechanical testing and histology equipment, enabling graduate students, postdoctoral trainees, and non-academic researchers to escalate and leverage their scientific discoveries.
As a shared core facility that integrates imaging, mechanical testing, and histology laboratories, CAMiLoD not only offers advanced imaging technology to study and analyze cells, tissues, biological and non-biological materials at all levels of resolution, it also offers tissue/biomaterial processing, sectioning, and staining services to achieve high calibre images, as well as mechanical testing at varying levels of force. Incidentally, CAMiLoD happens to be the first facility in the Toronto region, to house an Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and a compact Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Visit the "Our Services" page to learn more.

| Researchers Signing Up For CAMiLoD's Workshops & Events |
CAMiLoD was initiated as a means of empowering and training the next generation of researchers. Since 2019, CAMiLoD has opened its doors to the research community and has been working with many users not only from the Faculty of Dentistry but also, from various other institutions and departments.
Most of CAMiLoD's users have been conducting research in the following areas:
Cell Culture
Biomaterial And Biomedical Imaging
Connective Tissue And Regenerative Medicine
Oral Pathology
Pain And Neuroscience