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Widefield Systems

Zeiss ApoTome (a.k.a. The Legendary)



Upright epifluorescence AxioImager 2 microscope equipped with an Apotome.2 for optical sectioning.


  • Superior background noise reduction by optical sectioning with an Apotome.2

  • Encoding: read-out magnification, illumination and contrast settings, and automatic transfer to ZEN Imaging software

  • Motorization for reproducible component settings and automated processes

  • Excellent optics and homogeneous illumination in both transmitted light and fluorescence applications

  • Research microscope with a high-performance focus for maximum precision and 24/7 operation.

  • Smart control concept for ergonomic working conditions and multi-user management for up to ten different users or working scenarios


  • Halogen transmitted light source

  • Colibri – LED (UV, Blue, Green and Red excitation)


  • 10x/0.5

  • 20x/0.75

  • 63x/1.4 (O)

  • 10x/0.3 (W)

  • 20x/ 0.5 (W)

  • 40x/1.0 (W)


Filter cubes: DAPI, FITC/GFP, TRITC/RFP, Cy5

Camera: Zeiss AxioCam HRM 
Software: Zen 2.0



Zeiss Axiovert 200 inverted microscope



  • The sturdy stand provides attachment possibilities for various tools (micromanipulation)

  • Live cell imaging

  • Motorized ASI stage

  • Inverted configuration

  • 3D z-stacks

  • Stitching

  • Multi-position time lapse



  • Halogen transmitted light source and X-cite LED



  • 5x/0.15

  • 10x/0.5

  • 20x/0.75

  • 40x/1.3

  • 63x/1.4 (O)


Cameras: Hamamatsu Orca R2

Filter Cubes: DAPI, FITC/GFP, TRITC/RFP, Cy5

Software: Zen 2.0

Stage: Motorized ASI stage

Enviromental Control: LCI-CU 501 (temp) & LCI-FC 5N incubation (air/CO2 mixer)

Zeiss Motorized AxioVert (a.k.a. The Motormaster)


Leica Motorized Widefield


Inverted epifluorescence microscope DM IRE2 can incorporate contrasting techniques such as phase contrast, DIC and brightfield.



  • Halogen and Mercury Arc Lamp



  • N PLAN 5x/0.12

  • HC PL FLUOTAR 10x/0.30 (PH 1)

  • N PLAN L 20x/0.40 (PH 1; CORR)

  • HCX PL FLUOTAR 40x/0.6 (PH 2; CORR)

  • HCX PL APO 40x/1.25-0.75 (O)

  • PL APO 100x/1.40-0.7 (O)



  • Hamamatsu ORCA ER (monochrome)

  • Q-Imaging MicroPublisher 5.0 RTV


Filter Cubes: DAPI, FITC, TRITC, Cy3

Software: Perkin Elmer Volocity

Stage: Motorized ASI stage

Enviromental Control: LCI- CU 301 incubation (temp)

Leica Widefield.jpg


Inverted Ratio-fluorescence microscope that is a useful tool to study dynamic events in live cells and cellular structures. Unlike conventional intensity-based fluorescence microscopy, ratio-fluorescence eliminates the effects of photo-bleaching, cell path length variation, non-uniformity of dye loading, the non-uniform field of view, making ratio-fluorescence the most accurate method to determine intracellular ion concentrations for Ca2+, H+ and Na+. The Nikon Eclipse TE2000U microscope is equipped with a xenon arc lamp that provides high intensity, continuous broadband illumination, a monochromatic Hamamatsu camera and high-speed shutters that facilitate the detection of essential dynamic information about ion concentrations and interactions with other molecules, drugs or added reagents. It is ideally suited for measuring changes in intracellular Ca2+ levels, assessed by the ratio of Fura-2 fluorescence at 340 and 380 nm wavelengths. This system also has a 365 nm excitation filter that enables the assessment of Fura-2 intensity level independent of free Ca2+ ion levels, i.e. at the isobestic point of Fura-2.



  • Halogen and Xenon Arc Lamp



  • 10x/0.25 (PH 1; WD 7.0)

  • S FLUOR 40x/1.3 (WD 0.22)

  • S FLUOR 100x/0.5-1.3 (WD 0.20)



  • Hamamatsu ORCA ER (monochrome)


Filter Cubes: 340 nm, 365 nm, 380 nm and FITC

Software: Simple PCI

Nikon Ratio Microscope

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